Rai Putra Raja

- Putra Mahkota Kerajaan Arab Saudi, Mohammed bin Nayef, telah diganti. Dekrit Kerajaan Saudi menyatakan, Mohammed bin Salman, yang merupakan putra Raja Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, kini diangkat sebagai Putra Mahkota yang baru.

Roma (ANTARA News) - Pangeran Victor Emmanuel, putra raja terakhir Italia, ditangkap Jumat sebagai bagian dari penyelidikan mengenai korupsi dan prostitusi, demikian dilaporkan media Italia. Penyelidik mencurigai Victor Emmanuel, putra Raja Umberto II, memiliki hubungan dengan Mafia Sisilia dan membantu mencarikan pelacur bagi tamu judi kasino di Campione d`Italia, sebuah wilayah kantung Italia di kawasan Danau Lugano dekat perbatasan dengan Swiss, kata Kantor Berita Italia ANSA. Pangeran yang berusia 69 tahun itu ditangkap sebagai bagian dari penyelidikan yang dilakukan hakim di kota Potenza, Italia selatan, kata ANSA dan televisi pemerintah RAI. Kantor berita lain Italia AGI mengatakan, ia ditangkap di kota Lecco di wilayah utara. "Saya sangat terguncang," kata Pangeran Emmanuel Filiberto, putra Victor Emmanuel, kepada sebuah jaringan televisi swasta Italia. "Saya berharap mereka menemukan fakta yang sebenarnya." Victor Emmanuel, yang baru berusia sembilan tahun ketika keluarga kerajaan pergi ke tempat pengasingan, terlibat dalam apa yang disebut ANSA sebagai "persekongkolan kriminal dalam prostitusi". Raja Umberto II dan sisa keluarga kerajaan Savoy pergi ke tempat pengasingan setelah Perang Dunia II ketika rakyat Italia menolak sistem monarki dan mendukung republik dalam sebuah referendum. Mereka berada di Swiss sampai 2003 ketika Italia mencabut larangan terhadap para pangeran untuk kembali ke negara itu. Rakyat Italia setuju menghapus sistem monarki pada 1946, menghukum keluarga kerajaan karena bekerja sama dengan diktator fasis Benito Mussolini dan karena tindakan memalukan melarikan diri dari Roma untuk menghindari pasukan Jerman yang melakukan penyerbuan. Orang-tua Victor Emmanuel, Raja Umberto II dan Ratu Maria Jose, memerintah Italia hanya selama 27 hari sebelum pelaksanaan referendum yang mendukung sistem republik pada 2 Juni 1946. Raja Victor Emmanuel III, dalam upaya terakhir untuk menyelamatkan dinastinya, turun takhta sebulan sebelumnya untuk mendukung penobatan putranya, demikian Reuters.(*)

Editor: Suryanto Copyright © ANTARA 2006

Putra Mahkota Arab Saudi Pangeran Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) berusaha meyakinkan publik soal kesehatan ayahnya, Raja Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, yang akan menjalani pemeriksaan lanjutan untuk infeksi paru-paru yang dideritanya.

Laporan kantor berita resmi Saudi Press Agency (SPA), seperti dilansir AFP, Rabu (9/10/2024), menyebut MBS "meyakinkan semua orang tentang kesehatan" Raja Salman yang kini berusia 88 tahun. Hal ini disampaikan MBS setelah memimpin rapat kabinet mingguan.

MBS, sebut laporan SPA, menyampaikan "apresiasi kepada semua orang yang bertanya soal kesehatan ayahnya".


Pada Minggu (7/10), media pemerintah Saudi melaporkan bahwa Raja Salman menderita infeksi paru-paru dan akan menjalani serangkaian pemeriksaan "berdasarkan rekomendasi dari klinik kerajaan".

Raja Salman naik takhta sejak tahun 2015, meskipun MBS menjadi ahli waris takhta pertama pada tahun 2017 dan bertindak sebagai pemimpin Saudi sehari-hari.

Saudi sebagai eksportir minyak mentah terbesar di dunia, selama bertahun-tahun berupaya meredam spekulasi mengenai kesehatan Raja Salman.

Otoritas Kerajaan Saudi mengungkapkan pada Mei lalu bahwa Raja Salman menderita infeksi paru-paru, suhu tinggi dan nyeri sendi, serta sedang menjalani program pengobatan yang melibatkan antibiotik. Segera setelah itu, diumumkan oleh Riyadh bahwa Raja Salman telah pulih.

Simak berita selengkapnya di halaman selanjutnya.

Dr. Narottam Sahoo, Advisor and Member Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Gujarat.

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia - Skandal baru kembali menyeret nama Putra Mahkota Arab Saudi Muhammed bin Salman Al Saud (MBS). Bahkan ini pun menyangkut sang ayah, Raja Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.

Hal ini terkait dekrit yang dikeluarkan pemerintah Arab Saudi di 2015, yang memulai perang yang telag berlangsung bertahun-tahun di Yaman, dengan pemberontak Houthi. MBS disebut telah memalsukan tanda tangan sang ayah untuk meng-goal-kan perang tersebut.

Pernyataan awal dimuat seorang mantan pejabat Arab Saudi, Saad al-Jabri. Ia sendiri merupakan mantan mayor jenderal dan pejabat intelijen yang kini tinggal di pengasingan di Kanada.

Arab Saudi sendiri melabelinya sebagai "mantan pejabat pemerintah yang didiskreditkan". Ia berselisih dengan kerajaan di mana kedua anaknya kini dipenjara.

"Saya bukan pembangkang, dan saya juga tidak menempatkan diri saya dalam situasi ini atas pilihan saya sendiri," kata al-Jabri dimuat Associated Press (AP), Selasa (20/8/2024).

"Saya adalah pejabat tinggi Arab Saudi yang mengabdikan diri untuk menjaga negaranya, yang dikenal karena menyelamatkan ribuan nyawa warga Saudi dan Barat. Sekarang saya adalah seorang ayah yang melakukan segala yang mungkin untuk mengamankan pembebasan anak-anaknya," tambahnya.

Tuduhannya ke MBS muncul kala pria yang kini menjabat sebagai Perdana Menteri (PM) Arab Saudi itu menjadi Menteri Pertahanan. Ia dikatakan sering bertemu dengan sejumlah pemimpin menggantikan Raja Salman yang sudah sepuh.

Ia mengatakan dari sumber "yang dapat dipercaya dan dapat diandalkan" di Kementerian Dalam Negeri Saudi, MBS menandatangani dekrit yang menyatakan perang menggantikan ayahnya. Padahal itu tidak dibenarkan.

Secara rinci, ia berujar awalnya memang terjadi kesepakatan dengan AS di bawah kepemimpinan Barrack Obama kala itu. Di mana Arab Saudi diminta "meluncurkan "kampanye pemboman udara untuk menghilangkan ancaman Houthi, membangun pencegahan dan memaksakan proses politik tanpa intervensi darat".

Awalnya, mantan bosnya, Menteri Dalam Negeri Arab Saudi saat itu, Pangeran Mohammed bin Nayef, memimpin sebuah pertemuan di Arab Saudi untuk meresmikan rencana tersebut. Namun klausa tanpa intervensi darat ditolak MBS dengan ketidaksenangan.

"Namun, Pangeran Mohammed bin Salman menanggapi dengan ketidaksenangan yang nyata pada pertemuan itu dan mengatakan ia dapat mengalahkan Houthi dalam dua bulan melalui serangan darat," klaim Al-Jabri.

"Anehnya, perintah kerajaan kemudian dikeluarkan, yang membatalkan rencana yang disepakati dan mengesahkan operasi darat. Tanpa sepengetahuan raja dan dengan tanda tangan palsu," ujarnya lagi.

Perlu diketahui perang Arab Saudi dengan pemberontak Houthi di Yaman yang didukung Iran, sudah berlangsung hampir satu dekade. Perang tersebut telah menewaskan lebih dari 150.000 orang dan menciptakan salah satu bencana kemanusiaan terburuk di dunia.

Houthi sendiri kini kerap melancarkan operasi di Laut Merah, seiring memanasnya Perang Gaza, dengan menembakkan sejumlah artileri ke kapal-kapal terkait Israel dan Barat. Houthi mengklaim tindakannya sebagai protes akibat serangan di Gaza dan akan berhenti seiring perdamaian di kantong Palestina itu.

Pangeran Mohammed bin Nayef awalnya merupakan Putra Mahkota Arab Saudi. Namun ia diganti dengan MBS tahun 2017 dan diyakini menjadi tahanan rumah.

Sementara itu, Al-Jabri sendiri telah mengugat MBS di pengadilan federal AS. Ia menuduh pemimpin de facto Arab Saudi itu berusaha membunuhnya setelah ia melarikan diri ke luar negeri.

"Ia merencanakan pembunuhan saya," kata al-Jabri kepada BBC.

"Ia tidak akan beristirahat sampai ia melihat saya mati. Saya tidak meragukannya," tudingnya.

"Berdiam diri hanya memperburuk keadaan, jadi saya tidak punya pilihan selain berbicara demi kesejahteraan anak-anak dan negara saya," kata al-Jabri.

Saksikan video di bawah ini:

Video: Kapal Perang AS Tembak Jatuh Rudal-Drone Houthi di Teluk Aden

- Putra Mahkota Kerajaan Arab Saudi, Mohammed bin Nayef, telah diganti. Dekrit Kerajaan Saudi menyatakan, Mohammed bin Salman, yang merupakan putra Raja Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, kini diangkat sebagai Putra Mahkota yang baru.

Pengumuman mengejutkan ini disampaikan oleh

(SPA) sebagai kantor berita resmi Saudi dan kemudian disiarkan via televisi nasional Saudi. Demikian seperti dilansir

Pangeran Mohammed bin Salman, yang sebelumnya menempati posisi Wakil Putra Mahkota, akan menggantikan Mohammed bin Nayef sebagai Putra Mahkota Kerajaan Saudi. Mohammed bin Nayef yang berusia 58 tahun, merupakan keponakan Raja Salman.


Ini berarti, Mohammed bin Salman akan menjadi Raja Saudi selanjutnya, jika Raja Salman tidak mampu lagi memerintah.

Menurut laporan SPA, Pangeran Mohammed bin Salman terpilih sebagai Putra Mahkota yang baru dengan memperoleh suara mayoritas dalam Komisi Suksesi Saudi. Dari 43 anggota Komisi Suksesi Saudi, sebanyak 31 anggota menyetujui Mohammed bin Salman sebagai Putra Mahkota Saudi yang baru.

Dekrit yang dikeluarkan oleh Raja Salman itu juga menyatakan penunjukan Pangeran Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Naif sebagai Menteri Dalam Negeri Saudi. Posisi itu sebelumnya dipegang oleh Mohammed bin Nayef.

Tidak diketahui pasti alasan penggantian Mohammed bin Nayef sebagai Putra Mahkota Saudi.

Pangeran Mohammed bin Salman merupakan anak Raja Salman dari istri ketiganya. Dia dikenal sebagai salah satu sosok berpengaruh di Saudi. Pangeran Saudi yang masih berusia 31 tahun ini, juga menjabat Menteri Pertahanan (Menhan) Saudi. Dia mencetak sejarah sebagai Menhan termuda di dunia. Pangeran Mohammed juga merupakan sosok yang mencetuskan rencana reformasi ekonomi Saudi.

The Jury: Miyuki Jokiranta (ABC, Australia), Helene Breisach (ORF, Austria), Anna Simojoki (YLE, Finland), Silvain Gire (ARTE RADIO/ARTE FRANCE, France), Angela Kaiser (ARD, Germany), Guido Scotti (RADIO24 - IL SOLE 24 ORE, Italy), Kitano Yuko (NHK, Japan), Magdalena Łoś-Komarnicka (PR, Poland), Gorica Pilipović (RTS, Serbia), Anamarija Štukelj Cusma (RTVSLO, Slovenia), Alit Fuaz Gulmez (TRT, Türkiye). The President: Silvain Gire (ARTE RADIO/ARTE FRANCE, France).

Add to Playlist (BBC, United Kingdom)

A wonderful combination of an educational approach and entertainment. Enthusiastic hosts mix different musical genres to make us hear and understand the music better.

Our Lullaby · Nasza kołysanka (PR, Poland)

A great story told with grace. Music blends with mythology, the sounds of life with melody, and the excellent storytelling takes us far and beyond.

The Jury: Evis Trebicka (RTSH, Albania), Chafika Benammar (EPRS, Algeria), Marcelo Claudio Javier Ayala (RTA, Argentina), Yvette Yonga C. (CRTV, Cameroon), Caroline Jamet (CBC/SRC, Canada), Kevin Reynolds (RTÉ, Ireland), Maria Gabriella Ceracchi (RAI, Italy), Park Ki-wan (KBS, South Korea), David Bilenko (SRG SSR, Switzerland), Mary Ward-Lowery (BBC, United Kingdom). The President: Mary Ward-Lowery (BBC, United Kingdom).

"803" brilliantly exploits an intensely radiophonic dramatic structure which is frightening, thrilling and challenging. It uses subtle, realistic sounds to create a compressed and claustrophobic soundscape which - convincingly, terrifyingly - takes the listener along on Emma's journey. Horror is a tricky genre, and loneliness is a tricky subject for audio fiction. "803" makes it look easy, transfixing the listener. It treads a delicate line – deftly - between the supernatural and the psychological, and speaks powerfully of a generation which has experienced more isolation than most. An outstanding script and intelligent direction draw sympathetic, authentic performances from an excellent cast. "803" is perfectly paced to allow space for sound, to create a truly radiophonic story.

Endless Second (BBC, United Kingdom)

The listener is forced to question and participate in every line as "Endless Second" masterfully challenges the ambiguities and controversies of doubt, where no doubt can exist, in the issue of sexual consent. The listener feels touched and changed by a story of urgent topicality which speaks to our time in the most creative way. Brilliantly directed and acted, the two principals (Sam Otto and Louisa Harland) beautifully navigate a challenging and complex text.

The Jury: Gordana Ostovic (HRT, Croatia), Marek Mojzisek (ČRo, Czech Republic), Jesper Dein (DR, Denmark), Eugen Cojocariu (ROR, Romania), Lia Fiorio (SMRTV, Rep. of San Marino), Terezia Simanova (RTVS, Slovakia), Hagan Engstrom (SVERIGES RADIO, Sweden). The President: Jesper Dein (DR, Denmark).

Babies for the World - The Business with Ukrainian Surrogate Mothers · Babys für die Welt – Das Geschäft mit ukrainischen Leihmüttern (ARD, Germany)

The winner is a masterpiece in storytelling and investigative work. The story about the low-cost baby factories in Ukraine, attracting couples from all over the world is told with great respect for both the childless parents dreaming of a baby – and the surrogate mothers caught in a cynic reality, where the "wrong" sex of the foetus ends up in abortion or orphanage. It is a tough – but important and essential wake-up call for the listener – and "Babies for the World" demonstrates how precisely and without emotional overload radio can deal with complex and fragile subjects.

Gilles, My Sister and I · Gilles, ma sœur et moi (ARTE RADIO/ ARTE FRANCE, France).

Humour is a rare ingredient in the 47 radio pieces in this category. But Camille Descroix demonstrates a superb sense of humour and skills in musicality and storytelling in this small radiophonic pearl about her older sister Mathilde, who suffers from Tourette's syndrome.

The Jury: Neraida Cukali (RTSH, Albania), Alexandre Pletser (RTBF, Belgium), Jiří Hubač (ČT, Czech Republic), Tony Mekhael (ART, Egypt), Coralie Petit (ARTE FRANCE, France), Julie Grivaux (FRANCE5, France), Olaf Grunert (ZDF, Germany), Ken O'Shea (RTÉ, Ireland), Gotoh Lea (NHK, Japan), Alessandro Capicchioni (SMRTV, Rep. of San Marino), Metka Dedakovic (RTVSLO, Slovenia), Jacqueline Hlongwane (SABC, South Africa), Blanca Flaquer Carreras-Caudi (RTVE, Spain). The President: Jacqueline Hlongwane (SABC, South Africa).

Quinte & Sens: A Symphony of the Elements · Quinte & Sens : Une symphonie pour les éléments (ARTE FRANCE, France)

From the first frame to the last, the audience is immediately captured and transported into this awe-inspiring and sensual audio-visual musical experience. Viewers are invited to take a reflective and existential walk from dawn to dusk, through the amazing performance of classical music created centuries ago and performed by The Orchestre de Paris and now shown and performed with an elegant and modern 21st-century look. The show has a clear structure which is wrapped in beautiful music and harmonies that connect us to our past, present and future and remind us of the four elements of life. Shot in several aesthetically beautiful and carefully selected locations, "Quinte & Sens" is a powerful expression of the emotions, the isolation and the feelings that people experienced during the lockdown. The performances manage to invoke all the senses making us to think about our essence as human beings and the relationship that we have with ourselves, each other, nature and our planet; connecting us to this year's Prix Italia theme of Sustainability. "Quinte & Sens" displayed superior production values and it managed to innovate and found a new method to aesthetically visualise and realise the attraction and beauty in the musical pieces that were performed. There was great care in the design and framing of the shots that demonstrated a total regard and respect for the composers and the musicians. The director and DOP on this production displayed a rare and unexpected capacity to make the camera to be a tool through which the viewer can truly sense the music. The beauty of this show lies in its authenticity, sincerity and purity and succeeds in giving us a different point of view in a world that is filled with much confusion and contradictions. The show invites us to bring to the world the best part of ourselves. The jury was unanimous in selecting "Quinte & Sens" as the outright winner.

The Self Portrait · Lene Marie oder Das wahre Gesicht der Anorexie (ARD, Germany)

Art and courage define the German documentary "Lene Marie oder Das Wahre Gesicht der Anorexie" (The Self Portrait). The same courage is asked of the viewer to immerse themselves into the personal life of a formidable artist, photographer and storyteller who did not allow her disease to define who she was. The story is told in such a way that it is very difficult to separate Lene Marie's personal life from her art. The story structure and visualisation are raw, uncensored, brutally honest and in your face; making it very difficult to watch at times. We see Lene struggle with her disease (Anorexia) and we feel her pain and at times joy through her powerful and moving images that tell a thousand words. This brave piece can be seen as a searchlight of a young woman and an artist who discovers herself and finds recognition in the world and for the first time can see herself beyond her illness. The message of this documentary is strong, impactful and profound. Audiences are left shaken to the core and are pushed to the extreme with their emotions taken through a test. The jury appreciated this documentary not only for the way it was made but also for its social impact which is the reason why it deserves a special mention.

The Jury: Paige Murray (CBC/SRC, Canada), Jelena Milošević (HRT, Croatia), Morad Koufane (FRANCE2, France), Daniela Sfondrini (MEDIASET/RTI, Italy), Choi Jeeyeong (KBS, South Korea), Karolina Socha-Kalinowska (TVP, Poland), Aleksandar Reljic (ANEM, Serbia), Anna Croneman (SVT, Sweden), Samed Karagöz (TRT, Türkiye). The President: Karolina Socha Kalinowska (TVP, Poland).

System Crasher · Systemsprenger (ZDF, Germany)

The winner of the Prix Italia 2022 in the TV Drama category is "System Crasher", directed by Nora Fingscheidt: an incredibly impressive film that focuses on a very sensitive theme of children's mental health. A drama of raw and unpolished energy that literally smacks you in the face and shakes your whole existence. The storytelling is uncompromising and breaks all the molds, flooding the viewer with a particularly intense emotional display that keeps you glued to your seat. The viewer is never indifferent nor distant: the film constantly moves you from tenderness and compassion to pain, fear, and outrage. The jury would like to dedicate the prize, in particular to the young actress Helena Zenegel. The jury is impressed by her performance as the 9-year-old girl Benny whom no one will ever be able to forget.

The Jury: Alba Kepi (ORA, Albania), Todor Ignatov (BNT, Bulgaria), Pentti Väliahdet (YLE, Finland), Nathalie Kaminsky (FRANCE3, France), Silke Heinz (ARD, Germany), Monica Bartoli (RAI, Italy), Gabriel Sosa Plata (CANAL 22, Mexico), Carlos Maio (RTP, Portugal), Dite Dinesz (TVR, Romania), Gregory Catella (SRG SSR, Switzerland), Tom Giles (ITV, United Kingdom), Závorszky Anna (Pan-European, HBO-MAX). The President: Tom Giles (ITV, United Kingdom).

The Jury thought this was a truly courageous piece of film-making, with powerful and, at times, remarkable access to a vital human rights story. Beautifully shot and observed, the team took the viewer into the heart of gut-wrenching, dangerous moments, while telling the stories of the Yazidi women and girls taken prisoner by IS with sensitivity and compassion.

F@ck This Job (ARD, Germany)

The Jury felt this film deserved a special mention for its affecting and unfiltered insight into Russia's deepening political and cultural crackdown. Providing "precious" real-time access to voices inside Putin's Moscow elite as they journeyed into open dissent, the film created a powerful and personal narrative around its main protagonists as they faced growing censorship and repression along the way.

The Jury: Gerald Heidegger (ORF, Austria), Anna Vošalíková (ČRo, Czech Rep.), Fabian Kühne (ARD, Germany), Hosoda Naoki (NHK, Japan), Alexandra Prokopiuk (TVP, Poland), Razvan Butaru (TVR, Romania), Tomas Lindh (SVT, Sweden). The President: Aleksandra Prokopiuk (TVP, Poland).

On The Morning You Wake - To the End of the World (ARTE FRANCE, France)

The project seamlessly utilizes virtual reality to tell a story that is both intimate in its scope and relevant in its messaging. The filmmakers deliver a perfect blend of haunting visuals and poetic commentary, thus allowing the viewer to become immersed in a collective experience of nuclear dread. This is a triumph of form and function, an exemplary marriage of the digital and the factual and a masterclass in pushing VR storytelling forward.

What's Happening in Myanmar? (NHK, Japan)

Concise, informative, well-executed and highly impactful, this project displays an intense amount of devotion to public service values and feels as brave as it is necessary. A commendable effort and a timely reminder of how powerful technology can be when used in the service of truth and awareness-raising.

The Jury: Ariana Shima (RTSH, Albania), Eva Pjajčíková (ČT, Czech Rep.), Alexander Pfeiffer (ZDF, Germany), Kim Boseul (MBC, South Korea), Caroline Øigarden (NRK, Norway), Agnieszka Siemiak-Harton (PR, Poland), Anupong Chaiyariti (THAI PBS, Thailand), Navy Lamba (BBC, United Kingdom), Neuvides Guerrero (TELESUR, Venezuela). The President: Neuvides Guerrero (TELESUR, Venezuela)

@IchBinSophieScholl (ARD, Germany)

This project was chosen as the winner because of the possibilities for interaction it offers: this is a fresh, innovative idea to approach a German girl from the last century, and give to a young audience from today the opportunity to know her better - both to learn History and to be part of it, thanks to an interface that allows you to give and receive knowledge at the same time. We just need more like this! Our congratulations for investing in such a brilliant project that, in the midst of the systemic crisis we all live in, still manages to captivate us while teaching important things.

What If? · Entä jos päättäisit? (YLE, Finland)

Our everyday decisions, the uneasiness when choosing whether to act or not - we all have gone through that famous "What If?" moment, at some point. Such a gripping topic is at the heart of a project that totally commits itself to its technology and the smart use of its resources: it is well deserving of our Special Mention.

The Jury: Elizabeth Haggarty (CBC/SRC, Canada), Ivana Božanić (HRT, Croatia), Kåre V. Poulsen (DR, Denmark), Tanja Iikkanen (YLE, Finland), Giacomo Marchettini (RAI, Italy), Lee Yunjung (KBS, South Korea), Sonja Savić Vezmar (RTV, Serbia), Alberto Fernández Torres (RTVE, Spain). The President: Kåre V. Poulsen (DR, Denmark).

The Grand Master vs Sweden · Schackmästaren vs Sverige (SVT, Sweden)

The winner of the Web Interactive category of this year's Prix Italia was truly interactive, as well as brave and innovative at its core. A fun and inspiring new media concept that brings a new take on of the oldest and most classic popular board games on this planet - chess. For 6 hours, more than 50.000 people gathered online and went collectively up against the Swedish Grand Master of chess. The crowd lost again and again but in the end - with a little help - their collective wisdom managed to beat the champion. An astonishing piece of work that served a specific and dedicated audience in an educational yet entertaining manner. "The Grand Master vs Sweden" expands the boundaries of what is possible with slow tv interactivity in a long, yet captivating production.

Stolpersteine NRW – For Remembering · Stolpersteine NRW – Gegen das Vergessen (ARD, Germany)

The special mention in the Web Interactive category goes to an informative, compelling and significant project that reveals a lot of potential and capacity to develop even further. The mapping of the Stolpersteine – the stumbling stones that commemorates the victims of the Nazi terror - in Nordrhein-Westfalen cleverly bridges History and the present on a user friendly digital platforms, the app and the web page. "Stolpersteine NRW - For Remembering" manages to present History through specific human stories and historical events, in a simple and yet immersive manner, with content worth preserving for the generations ahead.

The Jury: Nicholas Schonfeld (Argentina), Claudia MANEH (Cameroon), Xiaoqian Zhu (China), Paola Parri (Italy). The President: Nicholas Schonfeld (Argentina)

Charlie Chaplin, The Genius of Liberty · Charlie Chaplin, le génie de la liberté (FRANCE3, France)

Beautifully made documentary resulting from a huge effort of archive material's research, and bringing to the audience a complete and exhaustive vision of the character, mainly thanks to the innovative use of private and unpublished documents made available by the artist's family. Great fluency of the narration in a two-hour masterpiece, full of love, passions and emotion. Chaplin is an anti-war and a peace promoter but, at the same time, he challenges some main social and political issues of his time through his artistic sensitiveness. Despite he came from a broken and poor family, he never lost his hope and dreams, thus becoming a role model for many, especially for young people. This is why this work is both educational and entertaining, just like many of Chaplin's works of art, which make us think deeper besides laughter. By this big award, the Jury wishes to pay tribute to such a popular man and actor, in particular in a time of planetary troubles, with a message of hope, beauty and peace.

Fight For the Futureking Throne (NHK, Japan)

Very nice and highly innovative web program about environmental and sustainability issues, capable to raise awareness - especially among the young generations - through and entertaining and interactive format, which combines new technologies in a participative game.

Documentary On One: I'll Send You Butterflies (RTÉ, Ireland)

A very touching story based on a multi-level narration, which offers to the listeners - between present and past - a picture of an elder lady's last moments of life. The family love and support, when confronting the hard days of disease, provoke deep emotions and make the audience empathize with this and painful and intimate farewell.

The Jury: Becky Bissong Eta Tchonko (Cameroon), Claudio Cappon (Italy), Laura Longobardi (Italy), Francesco Manetti (Italy), Arianna Voto (Italy), Akim Mogaji (United Kingdom). The President: Laura Longobardi (Italy)


The Jury particularly appreciated the storytelling of this film that reflects the life of a local community that could also appeal to other parts of the world that have similar lifestyles. Often neglected and marginalized, the film shows how instead indigenous communities can represent a treasure with their wealth of ancestral knowledge and their symbiosis with the natural environment. It offers a different view on indigenous people, one that is far removed from that of the stereotypical primitive person, showing us a community that embraces modernity, technology, gender equality democratic processes to move forward and address future development, while retaining their identity and a sustainable relationship with the environment and its resources. We highly appreciated the strength of the protagonists, especially the female leaders, showing us a different form of self-determination and women empowerment as a powerful way to social and environmental sustainability. The film never has a didactical approach but rather is looking for the authentic voices when representing this specific community.

Fight For the Futureking Throne (NHK, Japan)

The originality of the format can help reach a different and younger audience, which is not necessarily interested in environmental topics. It's a format that could be shared among broadcasters and adapted to different cultures. It has an innovative approach to the issue exploring new audiovisual languages. It encourages to consider sustainability through different points of view.

Djanet, The Sanitary Conditions of Nomads Touareg Southern Population · Djanet, les conditions sanitaires des populations nomades touarègues (EPRS, Algeria)

Radio remains a very important medium to reach wider audiences, in particular in many African countries where community radios are essential to reach communities with little access to other media. We highly appreciated this programme that dives the listener into the lives of people living in hard conditions in the desert, through live recordings and voices of the people, and a very high production quality.

The Jury: Mattia Arconzo, Mirko Clemente, Raffaella Direnzo, Lucrezia Lacarbonara, Gaia Pascali, Serena Risimini, Maria Telesca, Antonio Urbano The President: Raffaella Direnzo

What's happening in Myammar (NHK, Japan)

This is strong trans-media production, totally committing itself and showcasing the actual possibility of the technology - militant and sensitizing, sharply focused on a topic of great social relevance. The strength of this big repository of leaked videos lies in the palpable risk and responsibility of both the people reporting on the ground, and the journalists and producers that put them online. This is a pinnacle of Public Service: being there and keep covering the ongoing crisis, well beyond the first emotional response, even when the news slowly moves below the fold.

To Be or Not To Be · Ser o no ser (RTVE, Spain)

"To Be or Not To Be" approaches a topic both timely and divisive, in a way that is intimate and respectful of the story and the characters. This dramedy may help young people exploring, self-realizing and taking action about their own sexuality - for sure, it is a great coming-of-age story, narrated with a keen eye for today's tools, places, situations and characters, and beautifully portrayed by a cast of young talented actors.

The Jury: Peter Thomas (Australia), Guido Convents (Belgium), Catherine Wong (Hong Kong-China), Mariachiara Martina (Italy), Norman Pena (Philippines). The President: Mariachiara Martina (Italy).

Insecticides - A Licence to Kill · Comment l'agrochimie a tué les insectes ? (ARTE G.E.I.E., France)

Symbolic imagery, animation, exquisite cinematography and a full-bodied musical soundtrack help tell this engaging yet troublesome story of the massive use of neonicotinoids, insecticides that threaten the entire food chain world-wide. This significant human rights issue is told convincingly with impeccable research data and captivating originality and creativity.

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